Home / Blog / Fall & Halloween / Top Ideas for Halloween Promotion
Date posted: 8th August 2022 in Fall & Halloween
Last updated: 5th September 2022
Boo! It’ll be Halloween before you know it: When fun comes with a side order of scares and spookiness. That special time of year is approaching fast and will be here in just a couple of months – 31st October to be exact. So right now, is a great time to start planning for promotional activities themed around it. But before we tell you about some of the Halloween themed promotional products available from EverythingBranded, let’s take a moment for a potted history lesson…
What exactly is Halloween – and why? What we know as Halloween today has its roots in an ancient Celtic festival called Samhain. Two thousand years ago the Celts (in Ireland, the UK, and the north of France) celebrated new year on November 1st and they believed that the boundary separating the living and the dead blurred the night before, with the ghosts of the dead returning... That explains the spookiness!
In the years following, the Romans conquered much European territory and Christianity spread across the continent. During four centuries of dominance Roman religion fused with older Celtic rites, and elements of some of their traditional festivals ended up filtering into the period around Samhain – including All Hallows Eve (from which the name Halloween derives). Emigrants to America brought this mixed bag of traditions with them.
The obvious one to begin with is the Jack o’ Lantern – a carved pumpkin lit from within. This originates from Irish immigrants in the mid 19th-century who had root vegetable carving traditions. The second familiar Halloween tradition is ‘Trick or Treat’, when children knock on their neighbors’ doors and attempt to elicit some candy or a surprise instead. This again originates from boisterous Irish immigrant traditions, though the modern way is a sanitized version due to candy companies issuing Halloween-themed packaging from the 1920s onwards!
That’s Halloween loosely boiled down to a couple of paragraphs packed with interesting stuff so that you can impress your friends – but what does any of it have to do with your business or organization?
Halloween is a great time to think about slightly unusual ways to market yourself. There will be parties, there will be trick or treat and there will be Halloween-themed giveaways and gifting at whatever promotional events are near that time. Halloween is a big deal – and your business or organization should be part of that!
Tapping into the buzz around it with clever merchandise ideas for Halloween can mean increased brand awareness. Using Halloween themed promotional products shows that you have a sense of fun as well as a sense of tradition, and those qualities will say something positive about your brand to whoever sees your logo. So, what Halloween merchandise or swag should you be thinking about?
You can browse the rest of our Halloween promotional products here, and when you’ve decided what you’d like to order simply give the EverythingBranded team a call and they’ll be more than happy to generate a quote for you.
Chat online or call us today on 1800-586-1615
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