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Home /  Blog / Days of the year / How to Keep Your Dog Calm During 4th July Celebrations

How to Keep Your Dog Calm During 4th July Celebrations

Date posted: 3rd July 2018 in Days of the year

Last updated: 19th September 2023

Top Tips for Keeping Your Dog Calm this 4th July

As people all over these United States of America come together to celebrate 4th July with parties and fireworks, it is important to remember to care for our canine companions. Fireworks and other loud noises can cause great distress for dogs and other animals too. Unexpected bangs and loud noises present a threat to our domestic pets. They can trigger signs of anxiety such as panting, whining or even pacing.

Why are dogs scared of fireworks?

The overwhelming noises spark a dogs 'flight' response, where they feel they need to run away from the startling sounds. Being in an enclosed space, means that they are unable to escape the noise and will therefore lead to a dog feeling trapped and increasingly anxious.

How can you sooth your pet?

Here are some top tips for keeping your dog calm during these celebrations:

  1. Play calming music to try and drown out the sound
  2. Keep doors locked and your pets inside
  3. Reassure them
  4. Create a safe space for them - section off an area for them to hide in
  5. As a last resort, you can ask your veterinarian for medication

Fourth of July is one of the most common occasions for dogs to run away, this is why ensuring that your doors are locked is of great importance. it is reported that dozens of animals are brought into shelters over the course of the Independence Day holiday celebrations. As their 'flight' instinct kicks in, make sure they cannot escape the safety of your home. During one of the biggest National Holidays, we want you to celebrate in style! Make sure you don't have to worry about your furry friend and can enjoy the party. EverythingBranded USA offer a range of promotional products for your pets, why not check them out here?

Lauren Lawless, Marketing Manager at EverythingBranded
Written by Lauren Lawless Marketing Manager
A dynamic marketing professional with years of experience, Lauren has brought a fresh perspective to EverythingBranded since 2023. With a diverse background spanning corporate and non-profit sectors, she possesses a strong ability to develop innovative marketing strategies that meet the needs of our customers. Lauren is instrumental in working with the marketing team to drive brand awareness and growth throughout all territories.

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