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5 Tips For Achieving That #MondayMotivation Every Day

Date posted: 20th August 2018 in Uncategorized

Last updated: 26th October 2023

#MondayMotivation is one of the most recycled hashtags, with it appearing in our feeds on Twitter every Monday for as long as we can remember. But what is it that gets people motivated on a Monday, and how do we apply that #MondayMotivation to the rest of the working week? With motivation, inspiration and feelgood factors being the top topics across Social Media platforms and in real life, we wanted to delve into the 'hows'. What effective methods can people adopt to ensure that they aren't just motivated on a Monday, but EVERY day? We narrowed these down to our top 5 tips and now we're going to share with you! Get ready to feel motivated...

Get Active

Having regular exercise is something that is often advised in order to elevate your mood. It really is that simple, all you have to do is a minimum of 30 minutes exercise per day. 30 minutes out of our busy schedules isn't that much. Turn up the radio and dance around for a good 30 minutes and you're done!

Set Small Goals

Each day, set yourself a list of small achievable goals. Having a to-do list for the everyday small tasks means you can organise your day better and enjoy the satisfaction of ticking each item off. No matter how small these tasks may be, the act of completing them will still give you a boost.

Reward Yourself

As you make your way down your to-dos, be sure to give yourself a bit of recognition! Something as small as promising yourself a coffee, once you've completed one of the tasks, will keep you on track and incentivized.

Feedback is Your Friend

Asking for feedback doesn't have to be daunting. Feedback can act as a good motivator when it's positive, alternatively, when it's constructive, it can inspire ideas of how to improve. Those that offer constructive criticism can help to set you on the right path and also generate new ideas. Receiving feedback is always a great way to get you to amp up your work.

Go Beyond Your Comfort Zone

Challenging yourself in work is a fantastic way to motivate yourself. Accomplishing a goal that you have set as a challenge is a great way of motivating yourself to try more. Once you have beaten your goal you can set another and another, leading you on to a path of continuous improvement.

Motivate Your Team As Well!

Motivation is a necessity on both an individual and a team level. Keep your employees motivated with a range of incentives and a feeling of being part of something. If employees feel as though they are fully immersed in the company and the brand, their motivation levels will increase. One way of making sure that all employees feel involved in the workplace is through promotional products and gifts. Provide your employees with a range of custom-branded products to use both in and out of the office, something they can display with pride. You can kit out your team with promotional products from our range.

If you have any tips for achieving #MondayMotivation, tweet us @everythingbrusa!

Lauren Lawless, Marketing Manager at EverythingBranded
Written by Lauren Lawless Marketing Manager
A dynamic marketing professional with years of experience, Lauren has brought a fresh perspective to EverythingBranded since 2023. With a diverse background spanning corporate and non-profit sectors, she possesses a strong ability to develop innovative marketing strategies that meet the needs of our customers. Lauren is instrumental in working with the marketing team to drive brand awareness and growth throughout all territories.

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