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National Bow Tie Day

Date posted: 28th August 2018 in Uncategorized

Last updated: 10th October 2022

What Is National Bow Tie Day? National Bow tie day is an annual celebration honoring the timeless style of the bow tie on August 28th, an important date in the diary for the well dressed.

Where Did The Bow Tie Originate From?

The bow tie dates back to 17th century Croatia, where mercenaries would use scarves to bind the collars of their shirts shut. The fashion-conscious French military were quick to notice this, and soon the streets of Paris were adorned with well-to-do Frenchman wearing them and referring to them as “corvette’s”. Over time the corvette evolved into what we know today as the bow tie.

How To Tie One

Harder than it looks, but a skill worth having...

  • 1. Start with the bowtie lying face up. Adjust the bowtie so right side is shorter than the left. The end on the left will be referred to as A and the end on the right will be referred to as B.
  • 2. Move A to the right side, across B.
  • 3. Bring A under B and up through the neck loop.
  • 4. At the joint, fold B towards the right and then towards the left to create a the bow shape.
  • 5. Bring A stra­ight down over the middle of the bow shape that was made with B.
  • 6. Fold A back towards the chest and pinch the fold.
  • 7. Push the pinched end (A) through the loop behind B.
  • 8. Pull on the folded parts of the bow to tighten.
  • 9. Adjust until balanced on both sides.

Share The Love 

If you wear a bow tie and don’t post about it, are you even celebrating National Bow Tie Day? Do the stride of pride as you show yours off today, be it at work, the supermarket or on a fishing trip!


EverythingBranded offers a selection of branded ties, scarves and accessories that can be personalised to your business and printed for your next campaign or marketing activity. To browse our range, click here

Lauren Lawless, Marketing Manager at EverythingBranded
Written by Lauren Lawless Marketing Manager
A dynamic marketing professional with years of experience, Lauren has brought a fresh perspective to EverythingBranded since 2023. With a diverse background spanning corporate and non-profit sectors, she possesses a strong ability to develop innovative marketing strategies that meet the needs of our customers. Lauren is instrumental in working with the marketing team to drive brand awareness and growth throughout all territories.

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