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Home /  Blog / Days of the year / You'll want a piece of these Promotional Cake Products!

You'll want a piece of these Promotional Cake Products!

Date posted: 26th November 2018 in Days of the year

Last updated: 19th September 2023

You can have your cake and eat it too with these promotional cake products!

Today is National Cake Day, possibly one of the greatest holidays ever invented, so honor this special day by eating cake all day long on!

The History of Cake Day

The history of cake dates all the way back to Ancient Greece and Egypt. Eggs and butter were often added to basic bread to give a consistency that today we would recognize as cake, and honey added as a sweetener. These cakes were still very different from the indulgent dessert we know and love today, they were flat in shape and still more bread-like than cake. Cake was recognized as being the height of indulgence, making it a common gift offering to the gods at their temples. During the Great Depression, the boxed cake mix was born due to the need for cheap and easy food to the millions of Americans living in poverty.

Cakey facts

  • Cupcakes gained their name from originally being baked in cups and made from ingredients measured by the cupful.
  • The world’s tallest cake stood 108 feet, 3 inches high. Students and staff members at the Hakasima-Nilasari Culinary School in Jakarta, Indonesia baked it for their annual Christmas celebration.
  •  The earliest mention of a cup cake was in 1796 in American Cookery by Amelia Simmons.
  •  The world record for cupcake eating is 72 in six minutes and was set by Patrick Bertoletti in 2012.
  •  Assumption Abbey in Missouri is the world’s only Trappist monastery that sells fruit cake on the internet (
  •  A VAT tribunal in 1991 ruled that Jaffa Cakes are cakes not biscuits.
  •  According to an old English superstition, putting a fruit cake under your pillow would make you dream about the person you will marry.

To celebrate National Cake Day EverythingBrandedUSA takes a closer look at our promotional cake products!

See a product you like? Click on it to view details!


EverythingBrandedUSA specializes in promotional products that can be personalised to your brand


Lauren Lawless, Marketing Manager at EverythingBranded
Written by Lauren Lawless Marketing Manager
A dynamic marketing professional with years of experience, Lauren has brought a fresh perspective to EverythingBranded since 2023. With a diverse background spanning corporate and non-profit sectors, she possesses a strong ability to develop innovative marketing strategies that meet the needs of our customers. Lauren is instrumental in working with the marketing team to drive brand awareness and growth throughout all territories.

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