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National Ice Cream Day - A Great Time to Brand

Date posted: 17th July 2022 in Food & candy

Last updated: 26th July 2022

Whatever the flavor of your organization or business, National Ice Cream Day is a great opportunity for you to raise brand awareness...

In a truly civilized society, every day is ice cream day! The average person eats 48 pints per year, and it’s in the grocery list for 90% of American households! But, once a year, we go a step further and formally celebrate this frozen delight – if not worship it! National Ice Cream Day is July 17th in our country, and it’s all thanks to President Reagan who decreed it so back in 1984. Ice cream first appeared here way back in the 1740s, so you could say it was about time!

The good old ice cream parlor has long been a favorite destination for so many people across our land, so it makes sense to market your business or organization, rather than present customers with non-branded accessories. Merchandising for ice cream parlors can take many forms – from ice cream spoons and ice cream cups printed with your logo, through to scoopers, key tags, caps and even ice cream bar USB flash drives.

If your brand has desirability and a great reputation, or you’re building that, having your own branded utensils, or offering merchandise for sale or as branded ice cream giveaways, is a really clever way to further awareness. Branding for ice cream parlors can be fun – but it also means your brand will have a complete aesthetic. Cool!


Our Favorite Branded Ice Cream Giveaways

  1. A supply of promotional ice cream scoops is a must for any parlor or ice cream van, so these Custom Branded Ice Cream Scoops are a great addition to your stock. Give one to each and every customer with their ice cream cup and your logo or message will be right there with them as they enjoy their ice cream treat. Encourage them to take them away, too – branded ice cream scoops are dishwasher safe and can do a little promo for you in your customers’ homes!
  2. If you’re a little more eco conscious, then providing customers with a wooden Custom Branded Ice Cream Spoon is a good move. This classic never gets old and is a great aesthetic for artisan ice cream parlors. With your logo on wooden printed ice cream spoons, you’ll be marketing your business to the max!
  3. Maybe you sell your own tubs of ice cream to eat out. If you do, offering something as impressive as a Custom Branded Parlor Vibes Ice Cream Scoop is a way to increase the value of the experience. Which customer wouldn’t want to take home a traditional 1.5oz scoop, made from sturdy zinc alloy with a cadmium finish? Laser etched with your logo, it’s a truly desirable piece of promo kit.
  4. How about a small gift with every order? Something low cost that will do your marketing for you when it’s in customer homes. An Ice Cream Cone Magnet branded with your logo is a cute giveaway that will be stuck to refrigerators and seen every day.

Lauren Lawless, Marketing Manager at EverythingBranded
Written by Lauren Lawless Marketing Manager
A dynamic marketing professional with years of experience, Lauren has brought a fresh perspective to EverythingBranded since 2023. With a diverse background spanning corporate and non-profit sectors, she possesses a strong ability to develop innovative marketing strategies that meet the needs of our customers. Lauren is instrumental in working with the marketing team to drive brand awareness and growth throughout all territories.

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