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The benefits of having plants in your office

Date posted: 25th April 2019 in Green & Eco-Friendly

Last updated: 15th June 2022

Plants not only provide a beautiful and natural addition to your office, as well as providing many health benefits for your employees.

By incorporating plant life into your workplace your staff will be able to enjoy nature's beauty. It's estimated that Americans spend up to 90% of their time indoors. Here are some of the main benefits of keeping plants in your office.

Reduces Stress

Many studies have found evidence to prove the presence of plants reduces stress and improves productivity. A study by Washington State University found participants' blood pressure levels were lower when plants were present in the room. Other theories suggest that the color green has a relaxing and calming effect. If you choose to have tropical plants in your office they will raise humidity levels, this will help warm a room in winter, improving comfort for your employees.

Improve Air Quality

Keeping plants in your office helps improve air quality by removing any harmful pollutants. Research shows that having a plant ratio of just one plant per three employees will halve CO2 levels. By creating cleaner air less sick days will be taken by employees.

Reduces Noise Levels

By placing plants around your office they will absorb noises, helping your employees to concentrate better. Try placing large plants in corners around your office to help block any background chatter.

Visually Appealing

Having lots of greenery in your office will promote a positive image of your brand to customers and keep them coming back to you in the future.

Best Desk Plants?

Before you rush to buy plants for your office you need to consider restrictions like the amount of sunlight and how often they need watering. Certain plants thrive in workplaces, such as succulents and peace lilies. Devil's Ivy adapts well to a variety of office conditions, as it doesn't require a lot of sunlight. Zamioculcas Zamiifoila, don't let the name put you off these plants are very easy to maintain and don't require much water. The perfect hassle free plant!

EverythingBranded USA offers a wide range of plant products. Check out some of our favorites…

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Lauren Lawless, Marketing Manager at EverythingBranded
Written by Lauren Lawless Marketing Manager
A dynamic marketing professional with years of experience, Lauren has brought a fresh perspective to EverythingBranded since 2023. With a diverse background spanning corporate and non-profit sectors, she possesses a strong ability to develop innovative marketing strategies that meet the needs of our customers. Lauren is instrumental in working with the marketing team to drive brand awareness and growth throughout all territories.

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